"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways saith the LORD."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The First Days of Student Teaching

The day finally came to begin student teaching! I must admit, I wasn't too nervous about it. I was more anxious to get started than I was scared to death! The first school I am working at is Mills Elementary School. I will be seeing over 1000 students per week. That is alot of students! To remember a little over 500 names is a daunting task, but I am hoping to remember lots of them, maybe not all of them.

The first week entails lots of observation. I have a great classroom music teacher to work with! She has accepted me in her classroom and has never forgotten to include me when she welcomes each class. I had to chuckle when a first grade class entered the room and sat down. I could tell a couple little boys had the giggles. Then, when Mrs. Hay, the music teacher introduced me to the class,  one of the obnoxious little boys quickly raised his hand and asked "Is she a teenager?" Mrs. Hay looked at me with a quick smile and I returned one back to her. She looked back at the little boy and said "no, she may look young, but she is not a teenager. She has already completed high school and is finishing college to be a music teacher. She will be teaching your class. You need to respect her just like me and every adult here in the school."  She said it firm, but had to chuckle at the same time. What I love about Mrs. Hay is that she has never judged me by what I look like. I have had people who have looked down at me just because they thought I was not "at their level." I may literally be below their level height-wise, but I do enjoy being with adults at my level. Mrs. Hay is a kind and caring person that has each child at the top of her list.

This evening, as I was at a local grocery store picking up a few items for lunch tomorrow, a couple of students from the school came up to me and asked "Are you in Mrs. Grey's class?" I looked at them and said "Do you mean Mrs. Hay's music class at Mills?" He looked back at me and said "Yes, Mrs. Hay's music class." It turned out that they were brother and sister and they attended Mills Elementary. I must admit, I did not recognize them at all. Having 500 kids per week, well, let's just say certain kids stick out and some may stick out for various reasons. I was so glad they stopped to talk to me because it will not only help me to remember them, but it also shows how one person can make a difference in the lives of several people; even when you are not aware of it! Spiritually speaking, one's testimony can make a difference to many around them as well. Well, I am off to bed. Morning comes early and who knows what the next story will be tomorrow! :) I am excited to begin teaching the classes next week. I know it will be a unique experience.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good first day, Kristin! I know you will do terrific. You are so good with kids. We're praying for you!
