"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways saith the LORD."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Teaching at Mills

Whew!! What a week it has been! It was a week full of unique teaching moments. Teaching is something that I am finding  I really enjoy. I must admit, I never felt like I could fully relate to young children. I wanted to so much.  But, since doing student teaching, I am finding how I can relate to these young lives in a variety of ways. An adult can be caring and yet consistent in how they discipline certain behaviors. These discipline methods are called classroom management skills 101. They can present themselves in a number of ways. I was blessed to have so many classroom teachers at Mills Elementary school, welcome me into their classrooms to observe their unique skills. Each teacher is so different from each other and the classroom level makes a huge difference as well. 

This week was the week that I was to begin teaching at least 2 classes per day. It didn't happen that way, though. I ended up teaching at least 4 classes each day and at times, I would team teach with my teacher. It was also a week when I would have my first teaching observation done by my student teaching supervisor.  My teacher and I get along so well. It is so fun team teaching. She has often admitted that she wishes it could always be this way. I think so too. :)  I think it is less stressful for her and being she is so easy going, it is less stressful for me knowing she is right there to help me out. We often review what we/I could've done to make the lesson even better.  She offers so many helpful suggestions. My student teaching supervisor also provides feedback on how I teach. I was so blessed to hear nothing but positive things from him when he came to observe this week. That was a huge answer to prayer! I was so nervous, but so excited to show him what I have been learning from observing my teacher and other classroom teachers. The lesson flowed so smoothly. I know that without a doubt it was because of the Lord. God is the one who gives blessings and helps His children by giving the ability and the strength to do what He wants them to do. He deserves the honor and the glory. However, I must admit, the next best part of this experience is that I am finally getting to know the students! Today was the first day that I had children walking up to me at the beginning and end of classes giving me hugs. Often, when I walk down the hallways, I see children smile and wave. It melts my heart. A couple days ago I had a student hand me some gold fish crackers and tell me I needed them because teacher's work hard and they need a snack to get them through the day. How sweet was that? I couldn't resist his generosity. :)  

There is a side to this school that is unlike schools I've been to. This school has many students with disabilities and is known for its poverty. It is not uncommon to hear a student tell you that his/her sibling or parent is in jail. Some of these things are everyday common practices for these kids. Many do not live in "normal" homes. Some students arrive early to school just to talk to their favorite teachers, because their home life is so terrible. Others display their anger towards teachers because they are angry inside. I believe it is because of lack of consistency from their parents. Children want consistency and stability. If they do not get it, it is shown in other "behavior disorders." Unfortunately, our world wants to class these cases as disorders instead of making parents accountable for their actions. It is a sad state.  

Regardless of how these children come to me, I am learning a variety of ways to approach these children. Consistency in discipline has actually allowed me to get to know many of these children. They have a respect and a love that is given back to me immediately. I know that when I leave Mills Elementary school, I am going to have a hard time saying good-bye. A part of my heart reaches out to them in a way I've never experienced before. Although there are long days and I am glad when Friday finally arrives, I am so thankful I was placed at a school that has been an "eye opener" and a place that I can hopefully make an impact on for the Lord.


  1. I was so happy to read about how you are doing! I'm glad you are learning a lot and that things are going well. I'm not surprised the kids are learning to love you so quickly! We love and miss you and are praying for you. Have a great week!

  2. Wow, this was very inspiring and was enough to bring a tear to the eye! You should right a book. On a serious note, I have been praying for you and will continue praying that the Lord will use you as a blessing and a witness to those children, as well as the staff; I have no doubt that the Lord has great things planned for you, not only in this school and with these children but in future schools and with future children to come. Be strong and diligent in carrying out the Lord's work and you will be blessed beyond all measure.

    Love in Christ,
    Daniel Bowman

  3. I truly enjoy reading your blog. What a great opportunity you have in teaching at Mills.
