"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways saith the LORD."

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Winter Wonderland Weekend ~ Ladies Delight

This past weekend was so spiritually refreshing. I am so thankful that the Lord opened the doors and allowed for me to attend the Ladies Delight in Medford, OR. I wasn't planning on going to the event because of financial reasons and because of school reasons. It also didn't help that I wasn't sure who I could room with and if I could find my way around a new city. So, I just planned on not going. But, the Lord was so good and impressed on my Pastor's wife to call me. When she called, she asked if I was planning on going and I explained my dilemma. She understood and said that that was exactly why she was calling. She asked if I wanted to ride down and room with her and her two girls. I offered to pay for part of the gas and part of the room, but she said not to worry about it. I was shocked! I offered several times, but she insisted that I not worry about it. So, I was going to the retreat! And, I was going with my Pastor's wife! I was so excited to ride and stay with them so I could get to know them a little bit better. 

The retreat was hosted by Harvest Baptist Church in Medford, OR. The timing for this event couldn't have been better. I have been struggling with a few spiritual battles and the topics that the speaker spoke about was exactly what I needed to hear. First of all, I know that I struggle to maintain open communication with my Lord when my life starts to get busy. I knew that I was struggling with admitting where I was wrong in my spiritual life and I am so thankful that God knows and He does everything possible to get us to see our mistakes and to admit them before Him. What a merciful God we have! The theme verse for this Ladies Delight was: "Hearken unto this, stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God." Job 37:14.  It truly was a time that I could stand still and consider what God wanted to teach me. The first thing the guest speaker stated was this: "Your trials and tests are to be counted as Joy."  Counted as Joy?? How does a sinner count trials as a joy? They are certainly not joyous when you are in the midst of them. Ahhhh, but that is how God wants us to view them. I was reminded of the verse "In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thess. 5:19  God's grace does enable us to do what He wants from us. It is up to us to see the wonders that God has for us. It is not His plan to take us out of the trial, but to take us THROUGH the trial. Wow!  

Another thing the speaker spoke about was about looking at God's word as a mirror. Physically, we need to look into the mirror to look descent for the day. Spiritually, if we do not look into the mirror of God's Word, we won't be changed into God's image. We NEED to be changed every day. 

The last topic that the speaker spoke about was about the importance of prayer. Prayer is the key that opens and shuts every window of our life. She referred to Matthew 6:9--  Hallowed means to think upon, to be set apart, to make holy, consecrate, sanctify; to look upon with reverence, love respect.  To actually worship the Lord means to bow down low; to acknowledge the worth of another.  She mentioned that God already knows what we need before we ask him. So, God asks his people to come and worship him.  Prayer shouldn't be a time to seek our needs, but a time when we focus on how great and holy God is. True worship should take place with humility; in spirit and in truth. 

I left realizing that my life should not be about MY agenda, but God's agenda for my life. My time, talents, dreams are to be given to HIS agenda. When I surrender them to Him, those "needs" will no longer be "needs" because God knows how to answer them in His perfect time. True service to God will result from true worship to God. 

It is so neat when you see God working in your life. But what is even more interesting is when God cements a truth in your heart by using other preachers to preach about some of the same topics. At church yesterday, the missionary preacher spoke about allowing God's word to rule our life and to look into that "spiritual mirror" every day. When I read my Bible now, it is amazing some of the truths God reveals to me. I view God's Word differently and I am humbled when he begins to show me truths He wants me to see EVERY DAY. What a great God we serve! He is so merciful and loving! I have so much to learn, but He is so patient and forgiving. I can truthfully say that God has helped me through the struggles I had in my heart. Now, I have experienced first hand how God keeps His word. He has shown that to me before, but I am so blessed to see Him work in my life again. He is a faithful God worthy of worship and praise! I can truly say "Ah, Lord God! behold, thou has made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is NOTHING too hard for thee:" Jeremiah 32:17.

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